Covert Castaway Sailing with SV AWEN
Welcome to Covert Castaway, our fully uncut experience meeting new people and sailing as liveaboard sailing cruisers on our performance catamaran SV AWEN, our Outremer 52. Join us as we meet wonderful new people in this lifestyle. ⭐️Check out our channel on YOUTUBE:
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Rough Reentry - S3E8
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Sorry, sorry, sorry this episode is so late. Our reentry back home to the US has been...well...a transition. We went from sailboat life to facing the devastating impact at home due to COVID and the economic and political situation. This week we get you caught up on what's been going on and what is next for us this winter.
Welcome to Covert Castaway, our fully uncut experience making the transition to being a liveaboard sailing cruisers. Join us as we talk about what we're learning as we make this lifestyle change to sell our stuff, quit our corporate jobs, leave our family and sail away on a 47 foot catamaran.
If you have any specific topics you want us to cover, please visit our FB page Sailing AWEN and join the conversation or reach out to us at
Monday Nov 02, 2020
Conversation with Aussies Kim & Steve - S3E7
Monday Nov 02, 2020
Monday Nov 02, 2020
We sat down with a couple from Australia who just started their first sailing season on their Moody 38 and got their perspective on making the transition. They share great advice and their adventures getting started cruising during COVID-19 lockdown in the mediterranean.
Welcome to Covert Castaway, our fully uncut experience making the transition to being a liveaboard sailing cruisers. Join us as we talk about what we're learning as we make this lifestyle change to sell our stuff, quit our corporate jobs, leave our family and sail away on a 47 foot catamaran.
If you have any specific topics you want us to cover, please visit our FB page Sailing AWEN and join the conversation or reach out to us at
Monday Oct 26, 2020
Hidden Costs of a Boat - S3E6
Monday Oct 26, 2020
Monday Oct 26, 2020
Find out what they don't tell you at the boat show...all the hidden costs of fully commissioning a new sailboat. In this episode we share what we spent money on after we took delivery. By adding up our post-delivery receipts I can give you an itemized view of things you may want to consider budgeting for.
Welcome to Covert Castaway, our fully uncut experience making the transition to being a liveaboard sailing cruisers. Join us as we talk about what we're learning as we make this lifestyle change to sell our stuff, quit our corporate jobs, leave our family and sail away on a 47 foot catamaran.
If you have any specific topics you want us to cover, please visit our FB page Sailing AWEN and join the conversation or reach out to us at
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
Winterizing for the First Time - S3E5
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
How do you tuck the sailboat in for winter safe and sound? We had no idea either. This week we talk about our process winterizing our catamaran and what we discover in the process. Spoiler alert, it includes discovering five buckets of water in our bilge!
Welcome to Covert Castaway, our fully uncut experience making the transition to being a liveaboard sailing cruisers. Join us as we talk about what we're learning as we make this lifestyle change to sell our stuff, quit our corporate jobs, leave our family and sail away on a 47 foot catamaran.
If you have any specific topics you want us to cover, please visit our FB page Sailing AWEN and join the conversation or reach out to us at
Sunday Oct 11, 2020
Keeping it Healthy - S3E4
Sunday Oct 11, 2020
Sunday Oct 11, 2020
Two vegans on a boat? In today’s episode we talk about what we do to try to stay healthy as we sail and enjoy the liveaboard lifestyle. We cover our general philosophy, eating out, shopping and preparing food and recipes. We also cover alcohol and exercise. Check out our blog for my recipe for Vegan Flapjacks at
Welcome to Covert Castaway, our fully uncut experience making the transition to being a liveaboard sailing cruisers. Join us as we talk about what we're learning as we make this lifestyle change to sell our stuff, quit our corporate jobs, leave our family and sail away on a 47 foot catamaran.
If you have any specific topics you want us to cover, please visit our FB page Sailing AWEN and join the conversation or reach out to us at
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Listener Q&A with Mark & Kathryn - S3E3
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Our listeners Mark and Kathryn reached out to us with a bunch of questions about our journey to liveaboard cruising and our experience in the trough of despair along the change curve. They are also pursuing the dream and we thought it would be fun to record the conversation about sailing and lessons we have been learning. This one is a bit longer than normal but the chat was an honest take on what the transition is like for us.
Welcome to Covert Castaway, our fully uncut experience making the transition to being a liveaboard sailing cruisers. Join us as we talk about what we're learning as we make this lifestyle change to sell our stuff, quit our corporate jobs, leave our family and sail away on a 47 foot catamaran.
If you have any specific topics you want us to cover, please visit our FB page Sailing AWEN and join the conversation or reach out to us at
Monday Sep 28, 2020
How We Chose Our Boat - S3E2
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Monday Sep 28, 2020
We have been getting a lot of questions about how we decided on a catamaran versus a monohull sailboat, why new versus used or chartered, why a production boat and why we chose an Fountaine Pajot. In this podcast we sum up our own personal preferences and rationale but remember, buying a boat is all about personal tastes and preferences.
Welcome to Covert Castaway, our fully uncut experience making the transition to being liveaboard sailing cruisers. Join us as we talk about what we are learning as we make this lifestyle change, sell our stuff, quit our jobs, leave our family and sail away on a 47 foot catamaran, AWEN. If you have any topics you want us to cover, please visit our FB page @SailingAWEN and join the conversation or reach out at
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
OVERT Castaway - S3E1
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
In our premier episode for Season 3, we share more about us and how sailing started. Also, we find a naked man aboard our boat at 3 am!!!
Welcome to Covert Castaway, our fully uncut experience making the transition to being a liveaboard sailing cruisers. Join us as we talk about what we're learning as we make this lifestyle change to sell our stuff, quit our corporate jobs, leave our family and sail away on a 47 foot catamaran.
If you have any specific topics you want us to cover, please visit our FB page Sailing AWEN and join the conversation or reach out to us at
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Hope Says Goodbye S2 Finale - S2E23
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Season Two is a wrap and we get ready for the next chapter now that we find ourselves all alone (together) on a sailboat.
Welcome to Covert Castaway, an undercover diary of making the transition to being a liveaboard sailing cruiser. Join me as I share a candid journal about what we're learning as we make this lifestyle change to sell our stuff, quit our jobs and sail away on a 47 foot catamaran.
Thursday Sep 03, 2020
Sh!T Happens - S2E22
Thursday Sep 03, 2020
Thursday Sep 03, 2020
Now that we are left completely unsupervised on our sailboat, things get wobbly. We make some mistakes and learn a few things on our first double-handed passage to Sardinia, experience a scary docking incident and make a trip to the hospital...and we find Jesus, literally.
Welcome to Covert Castaway, an undercover diary of making the transition to being a liveaboard sailing cruiser. Join me as I share a candid journal about what we're learning as we make this lifestyle change to sell our stuff, quit our jobs and sail away on a 47 foot catamaran.